About us

Publishing house ,,Tsigni+Eri’’ was based in 2012 years. The publishing company is aimed at to represent the nation’s spiritual and material values, to disclosure relic and endemic values. Gathers bit by bit the precious, authentic, national, that was created over the centuries by Georgians, brings its into system, is preparing to issue and submit for consideration for demanding Georgian readers.

The publishing has issued an illustrated multi-volume series of books – ,,Our merits’’, 8 volumes of which are already on sale. Prepared for printing- Georgian folk medicine; Adventure manuscripts, that readers will see soon.

For the publishing house “Tsigni + eri” a priority is bilingual, gift publications, such as e.g. Vazha Pshavela illustrated by Rusudan Petviashvilis and others. The publishing also has significant interest in psychology. Has been translated from German and published such important issues- bestsellers, such as books by Fritz Riemann “The basic forms of fear”, “The ability to love” and “The Art of Aging”. The authors of the collective collections in psychoanalysis: ,,So children learn to speak ”and ,,Mummy’s boy or Superman’’. In this direction, the publishing house will also offer many pleasant and necessary innovations to the reader.

About us